Wednesday 4 May 2011

Advantages of being a Humanities Student : )

  1. Independent learning skills: The ability to learn, and the ability to recognize opportunities to learn.
  2. Research skills: The ability to find information and ideas, and the ability to critically distinguish between various sources of ideas.
  3. Writing skills: The ability to structure your thoughts coherently and express yourself in ways that are appropriate to the occasion.
  4. Speaking skills: The ability to confidently and clearly express your ideas. The ability to convince someone of your arguments and persuade them of your point of view.
  5. Critical thinking skills: The ability to tell better ideas from worse, the ability to test ideas by subjecting them to relevant criteria.
  6. "Electracy" skills: The ability to read, navigate, and create the digital environment. (the term "electracy" comes from Gregory Ulmer).
  7. Problem-solving skills: The ability to understand and express a problem that needs to be solved, and the knowledge of various methods of analysis that might be relevant to the problem.
  8. Question formulation skills: The ability to recognize that all knowledge is really the answer to a question, and that truly understanding something means understanding the questions that are asked, and being able to refine those questions to produce better knowledge.
  9. Interdisciplinary skills: The ability to work at the borders of traditional forms of knowledge, using the resources from more than one area to help define a problem or ask a question, and suggest approaches to addressing the problem or question.
  10. Global understanding and cultural sensitivity: The ability to appreciate cultures and religious traditions outside of your own.
  11. Historical understanding: The ability to see how and why things came to be as they are, and how they might be different.
  12. Aesthetic understanding: The ability to recognize and produce visual, narrative, and musical structure, order, and appeal.
  13. Perspectival understanding: The ability to understand how other people or groups think, and to value difference.
  14. Adaptability: The ability to apply knowledge and skills to a wide variety of contexts.
  15. Time and resource management skills: The ability to work under pressure and maximize resources to produce a desired outcome.
  16. Linguistic skills: The ability to operate in more than one language. 
  17. Tact: No, not the ability to be discreet, but rather, the ability to know the right thing to do and to say at the right time. Aristotle called it "phronesis".


Unknown said...

This is like soo super a-w-s-u-m shagun !
<3 <3 !
U know ,the real us !!
; ) .. \m/

Shagun nayar said...
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Aadya Pandey said...

Aha! Finally.. This is going to be very interesting. :)

Shagun nayar said...
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Shagun nayar said...

I am very glad you think so :)